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ORCID# 0000-0002-6509-4541


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* graduate student, ** undergraduate student, *** high-school students under my supervision - or advisement@


Chaplin A**, Kohalmi SE, Simon AF (2024). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on undergraduate research in the department of biology at Western university: Effect on project types, learning outcomes, and student perceptions. BioRxiv -


Robinson JW*, Bechard AT*, Frame AK@, Evans M*, Shaunik Sharma**, Alaka W*, Atheby A-C, Lawal HO and Simon AF (2023). The Drosophila adult brain: short overview of structure, function, and resources, Graphical Review. Available at SSRN: or


Yost RT*, Scott AM, Kurbaj JM**, Walshe-Rousell B, Dukas R and Simon AF (2023). Recovery from social isolation requires dopamine in males, but not the autism-related gene nlg3 in either sex. BioRxiv 2023.12.05.570093; doi: 10.1101/2023.12.05.570093.


Droppelmann CA, Campos-Melo D, Noches V, McLellan C, Szabla R, Lyons TA, Amzil H, Withers B, Sonkar KS, Simon AF, Buratti E, Junop M, Kramer JM, Strong MJ (2023). Mitigation of TDP-43-induced toxic phenotype by expression of RGNEF N-terminal fragment in ALS models. BioRxiv: 560207; doi: 10.1101/2023.09.29.560207


​Frame AK@, Robinson JW*, Mahmoudzadeh NH, Tennessen JM, Simon AF & Cumming RC (2023). Aging and memory are altered by genetically manipulating lactate dehydrogenase in the neurons or glia of flies. Aging (IF 5.95), 15:947-981,


Brown SG; Brenman-Suttner DB*, McInnes AG; Lew K, Moehring AJ, Bauer,JH, Simon AF (2021). Inheritance of pheromone profiles from aged D. melanogaster. microPublication Biology (IF 2.4) 10.17912/micropub.biology.000459


Sharan N, Cuerden M, Maxwell D & Simon AF (2021). Transitioning a large biology class from an in person to an online exam during the COVID 19 pandemic. International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing (IF 2.4) 3(5): 1-4.


Yost RT*, ·Liang E**, Stewart MP**,  Chui S**, Greco AF**, Long SG**,  McDonald IS*,  McDowell,  · McNeil JN & Simon AF. Drosophila melanogaster Stress Odorant (dSO) Displays the Characteristics of an Interspecific Alarm Cue. Journal of Chemical Ecology (IF 2.44)


Yost RT*, Robinson JW*, Baxter CM, Scott AM, Brown LP**, Aletta S**, Lone A, Hakimjavadi R**, Cumming RC, Dukas R, Mozer B, Simon AF (2020). Abnormal social interactions in a Drosophila mutant of an autism candidate gene: neuroligin 3. Invited to International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Special Issue “Role of Drosophila in Human Disease Research” - (IF 4.57) 21, 4601; doi:10.3390/ijms2113460


Brenman-Suttner DB*, Yost RT*, Frame AK@, Robinson JW*, Moehring AJ, Simon AF (2019) Social behavior and aging: a fly model. Genes, Brain and Behavior (IF 3.66) e12598.


Castells-Nobau A, Eidhof I, Fenckova M, Brenman-Suttner DB*, Scheffer-de Gooyert JM, Christine S, Shellevis RL, van der Laan K, Quentin C, Hofmann F, PTomancak P, Fisher SE, Kramer JM, Sigrist JS, Schenck A. (2019) Conserved regulation of neurodevelopmental processes and behaviors by FOXP in Drosophila. PLOS One (IF 2.77). 14(2):e0211652.


Brenman-Suttner DB*, Long SQ**, Kamesan V**, Yost RT**, de Belle JN*, Kanippayoor RL and Simon AF. (2018) Progeny of old parents have increased social space in Drosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports (IF 4.25) 8:3673.  doi:10.1038/s41598-018-21731-0.


Fernandez RW**, Akinleye AA**, Nurilov M**, Feliciano O**, Lollar M, Aijuri RR, O’Donnell JM and Simon AF. (2017). Modulation of social behavior by dopamine in Drosophila melanogaster: involvement in social spacing but no effect on social avoidance. Royal Society Biology Letters (IF 3.09) 13: 20170369. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2017.0369. Media coverage for article 


Croft JR*, Liu T**, Camiletti A, Simon AF and J Thompson GJ. (2017). Sexual response of male Drosophila to honey bee queen mandibular pheromone: implications for genetic studies of social insects. Journal of Comparative Physiology A (IF 2.43) 203: 143. doi:10.1007/s00359-017-1147-y.


Wise A, Tenezaca L**, Fernandez R**, Schatoff E, Flores J, Atsushi Ueda A, Zhong X, Wu C-F, Simon AF, Venkatesh T. (2015). The Autism candidate gene Neurobeachin (Rugose) mutants in Drosophila exhibit neuro-developmental disorders, aberrant synaptic properties, altered locomotion, impaired adult social behavior and activity patterns. Journal of Neurogenetics (IF 2.29) doi:10.3109/01677063.2015.1064916.


McNeil AR**, Jolley SN**, Akinleye AA**, Nurilov M**, Rouzyi Z**, Milunovich A, Chambers MC, Simon AF. (2015). Conditions affecting social space in Drosophila melanogaster in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Vis. Exp. (IF 1.23) 105, e53242, doi:10.3791/53242.


Kaur K*, Simon AF, Chauhan V, Chauhan A (2015). Novel behavioral aberrations in a Drosophila model  - potential implications in the study of neurodevelopmental disorders. Behavioural Brain Research (IF 3.00) 284: 77-84.


Fernandez RW**, Nurilov M**, Feliciano O**, McDonald IS*, Simon AF. (2014). Straightforward Assay for Quantification of Social Avoidance in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Vis. Exp. (IF 1.23) 94; e52011, doi: 10.3791/52011. Media coverage for article


Simon AF, Salazar E**, Chou M-T**, Nicholson T**, Saini N**, Metchev S and Krantz DE (2012). A simple assay to study social behavior in Drosophila: measurement of social space within a group. Genes, Brain and Behavior (IF 3.74) 11, 243-252.


Lawal HO, Chang H-Y, Terrell AN, Brooks ES, Pulido D, Simon AF, and Krantz DE (2010). The Drosophila vesicular monoamine transporter reduces pesticide-induced loss of dopaminergic neurons. Neurobiology of Disease (IF 5.02) 40(1):102-11


Simon AF, Daniels R, Romero-Calderón R, Grygoruk A, Chang H-Y, Rod Najibi*, Shamouelian D*, Salazar E*, Solomon M*, Larry C. Ackerson LC, Maidment NT, DiAntonio A and Krantz DE. (2009) Drosophila vesicular monoamine transporter mutants can adapt to reduced or eliminated vesicular stores of dopamine and serotonin. Genetics, 181(2):525-41. PDF of the article.


Romero-Calderón R, Uhlenbrock G, Borycz J, Simon AF, Grygoruk A, Yee SK, Shyer A, Ackerson LC, Maidment NT, Meinertzhagen IA, Hovemann BT, Krantz DE. (2008). A glial variant of the vesicular monoamine transporter is required to store histamine in the Drosophila visual system. PLoS Genet. Nov, 4 (11). PDF of the article.


Simon AF, Krantz DE (2007). Road Rage and Fruit Fly. Nature Genetics 39: 581.


Romero-Calderón R, Shome RM*, Simon AF, Daniels RW, DiAntonio A, Krantz DE (2007). A Screen For Neurotransmitter Transporters Expressed In The Visual System Of Drosophila melanogaster Identifies Three Novel Genes. Developmental Neurobiology, 67: 550-69. PDF of the article.


Simon AF, Liang DT, Krantz DE (2006). Differential decline in behavioral performance of Drosophila melanogaster with age. Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development, 127, 647-651. PDF of the article.


Suh GSB, Wong AM, Hergarden AC, Wang JW, Simon AF, Benzer S, Axel R, Anderson DJ (2004). A single population of sensory neurons mediates an innate avoidance behavior in drosophila. Nature 431: 854-59. PDF of the article.


Brummel T, Ching A**, Seroude L, Simon AF, Benzer S (2004). Drosophila lifespan enhancement by exogenous bacteria. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 101: 12974–12979. PDF of the article.


Simon AF, Shih C**, Mack A***, Benzer S (2003). Steroid control of longevity In Drosophila melanogaster . Science 299: 1407-1410. PDF of the article.


Simon AF, Hitier R#, Savary F, Preat T (2000). No-bridge and linotte act jointly at the interhemispheric junction to build up the adult central brain of drosophila melanogaster. Mechanisms Of Development 99: 93-100. PDF of the article.


Simon AF, Boquet I, Synguelakis M, Preat T (1998). The Drosophila putative kinase linotte (derailed) prevents central brain axons from converging, on a newly described interhemispheric ring. Mechanisms Of Development 76: 45-55. PDF of the article.



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